Architecture in Words // a manifesto

2016-04-07 05.42.38 1.jpgHuman beings are built with two parts of a brain, one of which may work harder than the other but never on its own. The left processes all that is scientific, logical and systematic while the right process things that are creative, sensory and emotional. We are also divided into two parts of our needs, physiological –those that require our body to work properly- and psychological- those that require our subjective self to function. The world amazingly is built in way that it is divided into parts, parts of which make up a whole, a complement of each other –the yin and the yang. This is synonymous -and even directly related- to my personal understanding of Architecture and its purpose. What sets architecture apart from a simple box of concrete is its ability to touch beyond the human body, its ability to connect with the soul, a combination of science and art-almost the same as how a functioning brain is built but also completely how nature works.

Through the years of civilization architecture has already altered the way we think and live. It has become part of our nature as human beings and a part of nature itself. This is how, in my opinion, architecture should be built: as part of the natural canvas of earth and never against it. Architecture is a catalyst to bring the modern person and its environment together. We are to design in a way that we incorporate ourselves into the world, to build with or around it.

The universe also works in a cycle of a problem and a solution, opposites that allow us to create and innovate and as aspiring architects we are inventors that understand that nature works in this way, building things that answer problems offered by situations and circumstances. We are to be visionaries and optimists that think the world can always be a better place.

Architecture is also a form of art for the people and by the people. We built for the success of those around us so we may inspire and innovate. We are conductors of space and we orchestrate movement, emotions and progress.

The complexities of my architectural manifesto cannot be written down in a short literary piece such as this but can be coined in these three points above.

The world works in a way that it is codependent of each other. It is hard wired to work in a process, a cycle that connects everything, and as young designers we should opt to truly understand how nature works -how we are affected by our environment and how the world is affected by us- before we try to modify a part of it.

“we are the artists of science and the scientists of art”

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